The Dundee Advertiser, a Parnell- Ministerial paper, snys that Lord Durham's opinions must have been "considerably trodi:led" since his tour it, Scodund in 1834- " His letter to Mr. Hawk, during the late contest f .r the county of Durham, was nct in keeping with the character assigned hint by the thilie.1 section; and his add, ess delivered the other {reek at the Durham Reform Suei-ry removes ail ambiguity as to his Lordship's position. If we might he ;Motive I wit express an opinion in a few words, we would say that Earl Durham entertains it Radical creed but advocates a Whig, policy. He has changed none of his opinions he says,—he is as strongly attacneri as ever to • household suffiage, vote by ballot, awl triennial Parliaments ;' but he adds, ' I never could and never would, as I stated in toy letter to Mr. Bowlby, force them dogruatieally on the considera- tioa of the Government or the country.' We are net exactly aware of the meaning his Lordship may attach to the term dogmatically ;' but, if his opinion be that tile tneasures spoken of should only be urged forward as gently as possi- ble and with due consideration to the ease of the party in power, then we say that such a policy would not hare led to the emancipation of the Catholics, or to the IA-sing of the Reform Bill ; nor will such a policy lead to the extension of the suffrage, vote by ballot, or triennial Parliaments."