OFFICE or ORDNANCE. Nov. 6.—Corps of Royal Engineers—First Lieut. W. H. Ford, to be Sec. Capt. vice Fenwick. dec.; Sec. Lieut. D. Gallon. to be Fast Lieut. viceFord. Memorandum —The date of promotion of See. Capt. G. A. Bennett and Lieut. F. C. Hassard has beeu altered to the 234 September 1843. WAR OFFICE, Nov. 10, 1843.-6th Regt. Draeoons—Cureet T. F. Grove to be Lima. by purchase, vice Roberts, who retires; W. M. Powell, Gent, to be Cornet, by pur- chase. vice Grove. 10th Light Drags.—Cornet R. G. Townley to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Surtees, alto retires; Ensign C. F. Surtees. from the 328 Foot. lobe Cornet, by purchase. vice Townley. 12th Light Drags. —Lieut. J. Philips to be Capt. without purchase, s ice Glegg. dec. 1711, Lialit Drags.--Cornet T. Lyon to be Lieut, by pur- chase, vice Lord Interury, who retires; R. D. H. Lane. Gent, to be Cornet, by pur- chase, vice Lyon. 5th Foot—Capt. It. L. DU1111,LS. from half pay 87111 Foot. to be Capt. vice J. du Bourdieu, who exchanges. 10th Foot —Ensign J. S. Herbert to be Lieut. without purchase. rice Shanty, promoted; A. Angelo, Getit. to be Ensign, vice Herbert. 13th Post —Ensign P. R. Burrowes to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Oxley. dec.; Ensign M. Browne, from the 39th Foot. to be Erisigu. vice Burrowes. 16th Foot—Lieut. J. Henderson to be Capt by purchase. vice Jodrell, who retires; Ensign Henry Alfred Macdonald to be Lieutenant, by purchase. vice Henderson. 28th Foot—To be Lieuts. without purchase— Busier' A. Aitken, from the 77th Foot. vice Gravatt. deceased; Ensign G. D. Robertsen, °from the 89th Foot. vice Owen, de- ceased , Ensign W. F. J. Murphy. vice Meacham, deceased. To be Ensign without purchase—A. Wright. Gent. vice'aforphy. 31st Foot—To be Lieuts.without purchase —Lieut. G. Elmslie, from half-pay 49th Foot, vice Fender, deceased ; Ensign W. Ber- nard. vice Sayers, deceased; Ensign P. Gabliett. vice Talton, deceased ; Ensign S. J. Timbrell. vice Kelly, promoted. To be Ensigns without purchae—J. Paul. Gent. vice Bernard ; H. P. Hutton, Gent. vice Gabbett; C. H. G. Tritton, Gent. vice Tim- brell. 39th Foot—W. Leckie. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Browne, ap- pointed to the 13th Foot. 76th Feat—Vent. P4.S. T. Dennis. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Prittie. who retires; Easigu R. P. Erereten to be Lient, by purchase. vice Dennis ; J. E. Large, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Brereton. 77th Foot— R. Mostyn, Gent, to be Ensign. without purchase, vice Aitken, promoted in the iffith Foot. 89th Foot—J. M. Cuppage„ Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Robert- son. promoted in the 28th Foot.
24 West India Regt.—To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign G Cary, vice Boa- eerie, appointed to the 78th Foot; Ensign R. Scott, vice Peeler, appointed to the 3d West India Regt. To be Ensigns without purchase—J. C. Harnett, Gent. vice Cary; R. C. D. Bruce. Gent. vice Scott.
3d West India Regt.—R, V. George, M.D., to be Assistant Surg. vice Renwick, deceased.
St. Helena Regt.—Brevet Major H. E. O'Dell to be Major, without purchase, vice Thoreau, deceased ; Lieut. J. Keating to be Capt. vice O'Dell : Ensign R. J. Hughes to be Lieut. vice Keating; Quartermaster Sergt. J. H. Prenderville to be Ensign, vice Hughes. Brevet.—Capt. R. L. Dundas, of the 5'..h Foot, tube Major in the Army. Royal Military Asylum.—Capt. W. Siborn, on half-pay unattached, to be Secretary and Adjt. vice Logard, deceased. Hospital StalL—Assistaluspector of Hospitals J. Shortt, M.D. lobe Deputy Inspec- tor-Gen. of Hospitals, vice Elliot, deceased.
Memorandum.—The Christian uames of Ensign Rawlins, of the 41st Foot, are Thomas Andrews.