Mexico Is Troublesome. Commemorating A Victory Over The...
its dark ages, that is some twenty years ago, the Mexicans gave a ball, and displayed some captured flags. English- men were invited to the ball, and an English flag was placed......
From India We Have Tidings Of More Revolutions Among Native
governments, and more contemplated assumption of territory by the British. The Punjab, which has witnessed a succession of incompetent rulers since RUNJEET SINGH'S death, has......
News Of The Week.
THE Dublin Grand Jury have found a true bill against DANIEL O'CoNrizu. and the other Repeal leaders; but there appears some likelihood that the counsel for the accused will......
The Second Election Superintended By The Anti-corn-law...
in the return of the candidate whom they patronized, and Mr. WARBURTON is Member for Kendal. The little borough —one of the creations of the Reform Act of 1832—was considered a......