11 NOVEMBER 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, Nov. 7.


Bevington and Reynolds, Liverpool, brokers—Blake and Co. Bishopwearmoulh, ironmettgers—Aston and Cranage, Tipton, Staffordshire, ironmoueers—Simmonds and Co. Warwick, coal-merchants—Angell and Cooper. Regent Stre'et, solicitors—John- stone and Roberts, Menai Bridge, Carnarvomatire, innkeepers—Whitehead and Robin- son, Huddersfield. attornies —Mason and Birkett. Manchester. paper hangine° manufam turers—G. and W. Bartlett. Great Marlborough Street. japanners—Roe and Co. Man- chester, drysalters—Beckford and Ranken, Finsbury Circus, merchants—P. B. and K. Collyer, Lambourn, Essex, farmers—J. and G. Schaffer, Spencer Street, Goswell Street, engine turners—Cunningham and Mortimer. Adelaide Street. Strand, book- sellers—J. and J. Clarkson, Fleet Street, grocers —Drawbridge and Gale, St, Martin's Court. tobacconists— Chadwick and Cordingley. Bradford, wurstedeminners—Osborn and Lloyd. Bridge Street, Mile End Road, blacking manufacturers—Green and SOUS. Upper Thames Street, glass-manufacturers.


HIUDDSLAW, Leeds. out of business—Grove, Cork Street, Camberwell. brewer's drays man—Robertson. Wilson Street. Finsbury, arelatect—Brasier. Chelteuham, out of business — Oliver, Stone. Kent, fruiterer— !trough, Wellington Street, Camden Town, out of business — Sonatworth. Uphollana. Wigan, bookkeeper — Hibbert, Mame. hotelier's assistant — Walden, Queen Street, Chelsea. author—Hawkins, Charlotte Street West, White Conduit Fields. carpenter—Clarkson, Orrnskirk. Lancashire, victualler- Okins junior, Brampton, Huntingdonshire, out of business — Hawkins, Whitehall Gardens, gentleman s servant —Hughes, Ebenezer Place, Keuningtou Lane. out of business—Foster, Gloucester, paperhanger—Uglow. Aldersgate Street. watchmaker— Jacobs. Union Place, Borough Road. traveller—Baines, Hampstead Road. plumber— Pitt, Kidderminster, cabinet-maker— nudge, Pantaley, Gloucestershire, out of business —Baker, Kiugswiuford, Staffordshire, victualler—Metcalfe, Bowes. Yorkshire, farmer —Warren, Great Winchester Street. attorney—Cockcroft. Kumtsford, clerk—Clack. Gee Street, Gowen Street. out of business —Hocking. Retired'. Coruwall, carpenter— Storey, East Street, Old Kent Road. coal-weigher—Terry. Tunbridge Wells, coach- maker —Barnett, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, comechan—Blaud, Leicester, daucing- master —Bassett, Grey Terrace, Newington. clerk—Sc-des. Charing Cross, out of busi- ness—Sawyer. Walworth Place, Neeington, stationer —Franca, Pieschell Street, Pad- diugton, smith. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. KIPLING, R., Wood Street, Cheapside, warehouseman.


AUMONIER, DAVID, Wigmore Street, jeweller, to surrender Nov. 17, Dec. 20: solicitor, Mr. Patten, Ely Place; official assignee. Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings. CHARLES. EMMANUEL. Radipole, Dorsetshire. brickmaker. Nov. 22. Dec. 13: soli- citors, Mr. Combo, Staple Inn ; Mr. Phillips, Weymouth; official assignee, Mr. Her' unman. Exeter. Command., Waxiest Baowsre. Reedham, Norfolk, butcher, Nov. 15, Dec. 12; soli- citors, Messrs. Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Palmer, Great Yar- mouth; official assignee. Mr. Green, AlderMallbllEy. CROWTHER, °mar HACKLETON, Warriugtun, Lancashire, stationer, Nov. 21, Dec.

13: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Himpson, Mauchester ; official assignee. Mr. Hobson, Winchester.

DAvIrS. CDARLES WyNii. others ise CHARI.Es DAVIES. Holborn. upholsterer. Nor. 16, p. c. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Dicksen aud Co. Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Gra- harn. Coleman Street. FRazER. DAVID. Little Tower Street, shipowner. Nov. 15. Dec. 12: solicitor, Mr. Ashby, Shoreditch; official nesigeee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. Ileitanniron. CHARLE6, Kidderminster plumber. Nov. 22. Dec. 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Haywood and Webb. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie. Birmingham. Bf LEAN. Joule, San Street. stateary-mason, Nov. 17. Dec. 19: solicitor, Mr. Brace, Surrey Street ; official assignee Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. NrirLETON. GEORGE. Bromptou, Kent. tailor. Nov. le. Dec. 19 : solicitor, Mr. Her- bert. Staple Inn; official ass wive. Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.

peosaes. Jonx, Pinners Hall Court. Old Broad Street. tailor. Nov. 10. Dec. 13 : so- licitor Mr. Yonge, Tokenhouse Yard; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtou. Coleman Street Buildings.

Wactsreer. Autism> Weal, Leighton Reeser& apothecary, Nov. 17. Dec. 20 : soli- citors. Messrs. Hedson and Gibbs. King's Road, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. WILLIS. JAmEs. Osborn Street. Whitechapel. ale•merchant. Nov. 17. Dec. 20: soli- citor, Goddard, Wood Street, Cheapside; fficial assiguec. Johnsou, 13asinghall Street.


Nov. 30. Appleton, :Three Crown Square. hop merchant- Nov. 30. Bensusan, Wel- brook Buildings. merchant-Nov. 30. Tagg. Touley Street. slopseller -Nov- 30. Hop- per. Great Queen Street, carpet-warehouseman -Noe. 16. Wintuu and Co. Wood Street, warehotteemen - Nov. 30, Watson. Moscow Road. Bayswater. apothecary- Nov. 28. Jackes. Guildford S:reet, Blackiriars Road, coru•dealer-Nov. 28, Hayes. Salisbury, grocer-Dec. 7. Jackson. Lincoln. chemist -Nov. 30. Molyneux and Witherey. Liver- pool. merchants-Dec. 1, Drinkeater, Salford, woollen corl-manufactider - Dec. 5. Bower. Manchester. banker - 'or. 30, Buchanan and Cunningham. Liverpool. met. chants - Dec. 5. Whitaker. Newchurch. Laucashire. woollen.mauufacturer -Nov. 29, Carey, Nottiugham, lace-manufacturer -Nov. 29, J. and G. Clarke, Market liar- borough, carpet-manufacturers.


To be granted. unless cause be shown tot/it conforry, cot the day of meeting.

Nov. 29, Walsh. Reading, watchmaker - Nov. 30, Stevens, Steark1ey, Buckingham- shire, farmer-Nov. 30, George, Bread Street. silk•manufacluter - Nov. 30, Brown. Little Bowden. Northanipten-litre, horse dealer -Dec. 5. Duffield. Bath, grocer Dec. 1, Prichard, Llanwrst, Deultighshire. shopkeeper-Nov. 28. Hughes. Wrexham. Den- bighshire. tailor --Nov. 29, Heap and Co. Padtham, Lancashire. cotton spinners.

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the cuntrory, on or befire Noe. 28

Elliott, Chichester. builder-Hodges, Wolverhampton. stock-lock maker-Trafford, Hatton, Lincolnshire. innkeeper- Parry, Mold, Fitutaliire. draper-Marriage junior, Moulshem, Essex, miller-Worboys, Bristol, perfumer.


Gorton, Grosvenor Row. bookseller; third dies of Is. Id. on Wednesday noel, or oily subsequent Wednesffity; Mr. Belcher King's Arms Yard-Loug, Enfield, lime burner ; first die. or 2s. 3d. on Wednesday next. r any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SCOTCH SEQUEsTRATIONS. FERGUSON, D.. Greenock, merchant. Nov. 10, Dee. I.

ROM A., Ferry of Cromarty, Ross shire. innkeeper. Nov. 13. Dec. 4. STRACHAN, R., Strathmartine, Forfeits-hit e flax spinner. Nov. 13, Dec. 4.

Friday, Nov. 10.


Booth, Chester, tanners-T. and .1. Nunueley. Leicester, wholesale•grocers-Mason and /Co. Bradford, woolstaplers-Barlow and Guostrey-Curry and Hurry. Liver- pool, hide factors-W. and C. Strange, Moor Street. St. Giles iuthe Fields. po- tato salesmen-Thorn and Co. Castle Street, Leicester Square. ale merehaats-Jeu- nings and Clark. Bradford. stonemasous -Israel and Alexander. Cheapside. near Bin MilightIM. pawnbrokers -Littleuood and Berry. Holloway end Gtase Works, near Stourbridge, flint glass manufacturers- Carr and Barker. Kingston-upoo•Holl, stoue. ma ons-W. and F. Jacques. Liverpool merchants W. and C. Spar. Plymmith, mer- cers - Fairbaini and Co. Mill Wall. Poplar. millwrights; as far as regards Hetheriog- ton and Murray-Chalmers and Smith, Great Yarmouth. drapers-Taylor and Dod- man, Andover, lineudrapers - C. aud R. Detidoey. Goosing, Sussex, farmers.


Davenport, Prestburv, Cheshire, beer-seller - Wirgatroyd. Calverley. Yorkshire, weaver-Newsome, Batley. Yorkshire, clothier- Leigh. Manchester, plumber-Glover. Halifax. auctioneer-Sargent, Colebrook Terrace, Islingtou, artist-Beaumont. Batley. Yorkshire. slultber-Burnly, Batley. Yorkshire. cloth presser - Gibbs. Topsham. De. Vont:than. formerly an Excise officer-Carrie, Hyde Park Gardens, bailer --Tegman. Brewer Street. St. Pancras, clerk -George. Shepperton Street West. Islington, clerk - Archer. Pilkiugton, Lancashire, madder dyer -Cook. Liverpool beer dealer -Heatley, Manchester, surgeon - Thorpe, Bradford. Yorkshire, livery stablekeeper -Walton, Manchester, thread-manufacturer - White, Reader& Essex, boutmaker - Newman, Albert Place. Poplar, out of busiuess-Tas lois Birmingham, grocer -Pawkier, Wych Street. Strand, out of business - Wilson. Merton. out of business-Mayhew. Ash, Surrey. corn-chandler-Friend, High IL lborn. hosier -Nies. East Budleigh. Devoe- shire, builder-Jones. Devoushire Street. Queen Square. shoemaker-Starling, Wind- sor Place. Southwark Bridge Road, plumber -Binus. Lilleshall. Shropshire, engineer -Knowles. Grove, Guildford Street. Southwark, publican- Fogg, Welbeck Street, house-porter - Cheetham. Rochdale, plasterer -Such. Liverpool, assistant at nine shades-Jones, Penne. Denbighshire. farmer - Richards. Prebend Street, Camden Town. solicitor-Gipson, Spilsbv. Lincolnshire. retatler of beer -Croxsou, Rayleigh, out of business -Farquharson, firewer Street. St. Pancras.


Aeon, CHARLES JOSEPH, Bath Street, City Road, cabinet-maker, to surrender Nov. 21, Dec. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Straugeways, King's Road, Bedford Row ; official as- siguee, Mr. Graham. Coleman Street.

BAKER. THOMAS, High Street, Camberwell. carpenter, Nov. 21. Dec. If' : solicitor, Mr. Harman, Earl Street. Blackfriars ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.

DOWELS., Beavnornsexw, Biehopwearmouth. shipowner, Nov. 22, Dec. 18: solid tors. Mr. Walker, Furnival's Inn ; Mr. Davisuu, Bishopwearmouth; official assiguee, Mr. Baker. Newcastle upon•Tyne. DRURY, BENJAMIN GEoRGE. DUGley, Worcestershire. victualler, Nov. 20, Dec. 21 : solicitors. Messrs. Bourue and Wainwright, Dudley ; official assiguee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

HUNT, CIRRI:XS Joao, St. James's Street. billiard•table•maker. Nov. 23, Dee. 23 : solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Arundel Street ; official assignee,. Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, BILLICK. CHARLES. and SAnD, Jones Blackman Street, paper stainers. Nov. 21, Dec. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Wickham, Corbet Court. Gracechurch Street ; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. POUCHES GROROL Juror, Oxford street, stationer. Nov. 17, Bite. 2): solicitor, Mr. Wilson, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lase, TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Springhead in Saddlewerth. Yorkshire, wool-merchant, Nov. 22, Dec. 19 • solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Cu. Bedford Row ; Mr. Ascroft, Oldham ; official assignee, Mr. Potts, Manchester.

DIV/DENDs. Sept. 20, Ward, Blackfriars Road. draper. Dec. 1, W. and J. Rayner, DEInidge. seed crushers -Dec. 2. Carter and Jackssu. Brewer Street. Golden Square. woollen. drapers- Dec. 1, Stanford, Cranford. Dorsetshire, former-Nos, 23, Goddard, Hui- beach, draper. CEITIFIC.ATES, To be granted, unless cause be shown to the omtrary, on the day of meeting. Dec. 9, Burt, Harrow Road, boardinghouse-keeper-Dee. 2, Carleton, Upper Goorge Street. Bryanston Square. bookseller- Dec. 5. DOI1S. Tottenham Court Road. .'!ass- dealer-Dee. 5, Potter, New Bend Street. haberdasher Dec. 5. Cottee. Fareham, hoolmaker-Dec. 6. Smith. Fore Street, wine merchant-Dec. 5. Dnffield, Bath. grocer -Dec.5 Bode Sheffield, leather dresser- Dec. 4. Jackeou, Sheffield, glass curter- Dec. 4, Travis, Sheffield. joiner -Dec. 9. Watkiu junior, Leamiugtou Priors, coal- Merchant -Dec 15, Meredith. Pershore. wooktapler. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or betre Dec. 1.

Scott, Liverpool, corn merchant-Cooper. Drury Lane, iron fouuder-Orbell. Brun don, Essex, miller-Barker. We ckwardlue, Shrepshire, merchant-Chappell, Sud- bury. victualler-Bromley. Little Beetley, Essex, maltster-Whtte junior, Aldersgate Street, chemist -Christlelow, York, woollendraper-Starliug. Southampton. hatter- Andrews, Peckham. brewer-Edwards, Pembroke. miller-Caston, Basingstoke, iron- Meager -Maser, lifishopagate Street. earthenware maoulacturer.

DECLARATI005 DIVIDENDS. Rumble, Manchester, grocer ; first HIV. of 4s. 2d. on Nov. 14, or any subsequent Tuesday Mr. Stauway. Manchester -B. and J. M. James, Manchester, leather- dealers ; 'first div. of 31d. on Nov. 14, or auy subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Stannsy, Man- chester-Hardie, Manchester. merchant ; second div. of 7s. 6d. on Nov. 14, or any fol. lowing Tuesday; Mr. Pon, Manchester -Robins and Williams. Leaden Wall, carriers; second div. of 64. on Nov. 8, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Edwards. Frede- rick's Place-Hillary. Esanrigg Hall. Cumberland, ironfouncler; first div. of 4s. on Nov. 18. or any succeeding Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Neweastle•upon•Tyne-Fisher, Bradford, Yorkshire. linendraper ; float div. of 8s. any day on and after Nov. 13: Mr. Yin ng. Leeds -Hardie. bl auchester. merchaut. (separate estate of,) second div. of 14s. 6d. on Nov. 14. or any following Tuesday; Mr. Putt, Manchester-Knight. Great Suffolk Street, buPder ; first div. of 2s. 4d. on Nov. 8. or any subsequent Wednesd ty; Mr. Edwards. Frederick's Place -Ritchie. Rotherhithe. shipwright; first div. of 9d. on Nov. 8, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Edwards. Frederick's Place-Saundent and Co. Basiughall Street, woollen manufacturers; recond div. a 5d. and Is. 7d. on new proofs, on Nov. 8, or soy subsequeut Wednesday; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place.


Brats, G. Dense. grocer. Nov. 15 Dec. 6, TULLIS, J. Arbroath currier. Nov. 16. Dee, 7.