Thursday's Paris papers announce the departure of the Duke and
Dutchess de Nemours for London on that day.
The Standard explains the coincidence of the Duke of Nemours' visit to England with that of the Duke of Bordeaux-
" We are authorized to state, that the arrival of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Nemours in this country, is in compliance with an invi- tation addressed by her Majesty to the King of the French, personally, during her sojourn at the Chateau d'En. It may not, perhaps, be in the recollection of all our readers, that while our gracious Queen was enjoying the hospitality of King Louis Philippe, the Duke and Dutchess of Nemours were absent on a tour through the West of France. We are authorized further to state, that her Majesty's invitation was subsequently renewed ip the most cordial terms ; her Majesty herself fixing the early part of November for the reception of her distinguished guests."