Green pint
Sir: By now, everyone you meet has an opinion to express upon green issues. Many of us, an increasing number every day, make some concession to environ- mental friendliness.
Are any of your readers aware, I won- der, of what must surely be the most environmentally sound product available in the high street today? It is produced from completely natural ingredients by centuries old methods. It's manufacture does not rely on intensive farming methods, deforrestation in the tropics nor trespass onto green belt land.
Additionally, this product boasts the following ecological features:- 1) It is 100 per cent meat free 2) It is completely biodegradable 3) It is ozone friendly 4) It does not contribute to acid rain 5) It comes in re-usable glass containers This product is completely harmless un- less taken in excess, but the same is true of marmalade.
Cheers! Mine's a pint.
John Owen
90 Granville Drive, Kingswinford, West Midlands