11 NOVEMBER 1989, page 27

Muddling Gibbons

Sir: I read the article by David Esterly about the Grinling Gibbons carvings at Hampton Court (`The mystery solved', 28 October) with great interest. By chance I have been......

House Trained

Sir: Raymond Carr recalls (Books, 28 October) Charles Stuart's amusing counter to the argument that women should be admitted to Christ Church. His was not a lone voice. The......


Sir: There has been great controversy in my family of late, concerning the matter of whether your distinguished columnist, Mr Hilary Mantel is male or female. Could you please......

Ducking The Issue

Sir: I am sure I will not be alone among those who abhor the memory of Dr Beeching in pointing out that Mr Coleridge (Diary, 21 October) seems to have been taken for rather more......

Camp Following

Sir: As the gypsies sit round the camp fire, stewing something succulent in a pot, they peruse their copies of Horse and Hound pausing only to remark: 'I see Ginny Leng won at......

Abortion Legacy

Sir: How interesting was Alexandra Artley's article CA foundling father to our children', 21 October) on Thomas Coram's 18th century response to 'babies and young children, some......

Scenes From Science

End of the dinosaurs HOW and why did nearly half of all species, including the dinosaurs, come to a dramatic end? Was it simply in the course of evolutionary failure to sur-......