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The Nem Times is now published under the title of the Morning Journal. The alteration of the name is the consequence of a change of proprietorship ; butt it does not include the slighest change in its political views. The _Morn- ing Journal makes no pretensions to he in favour of the Cabinet ; and it is not therefore shackled in its disquisitions upon the measures of any Ministry either past or present. It stands opposed to the popular theories of free- trade, the currency, and the Catholics. The readers of the Journal gain one visible benefit by the change, in the improved appearance of the paper, Mora: LIMIT I.—A correspondent calls our attention to what he terms "the shameful state of darkness in which the great Western road is kept." He insinuates that it is so kept through the "caprice of a body of Lords and Right Honourables, who, because they are enjoying themselves half the year out of town, know nothing of the inconvenience and danger arising from their neglecting one of the principal objects of their commission."