News 01' The Week.
The last Russian bulletins claim some advantages for the army besieging Shumla—defensive advantages—the repulse of sorties ; but with such admissions of failure in the main......
1827. 1828. Increase, Decrease.
• £4,915,618 £4,664,932 £250,636 5 , 117 , 800 5,714,399 566,599 1,714,842 1,705,676 9,166 . 373,000 366,000 7,000 480,745 466,978 13,767 . 270,374 101,950 168,424......
Donna Maria Da Gloria Arrived In London On Monday Evening,
from Bath, and established her little court at Grillon's in Albe- marle-street. A guard of honour is placed at the door; and the rabble crowd the street, for the chance of......
Saturday Night.
We had a communication from Windsor this afternoon, which states, that although the King suffers from a severe attack of the gout in his right wrist, he is otherwise in......
Looking Only At The Surface Of Things, We Should Say
that the political aspect of Ireland is improved ; and that Lord Anedesea's proclamation, and the Catholic address together, have a,ompl ishecl the end for which they were......