11 OCTOBER 1828, Page 15


Tuesday, October 7.


P. Gallop and E. Watts—R. and T. Goodhugh, Glass-house-street, St. James's, Westminster, fishinongers—S. Reeve and T. Hitchcock, Leighton-Buzzard, corn- mon.brewers—W. and A. Blame, Fralleis-stseet, Walworth, tea-dealers—G. Al' ebb and J. Stewart, Threadneedle-street, East India-merchants—W. and J. Smith, lemsford and Stanstead, Suffolk, builders—J. Swettenham and J. Andrew, Wirks- worth, Derbyshire, attorneys—L. and H. Dyke, Bristol, lace-manufacturers—W. and R. Isard, Bromley, Kent, tallow-chandlers—T. Parsons, S. Stockton, and E. Wilkes, \Vorcester, drapers ; as far as regards T. Parsons—T. Davenport, .1. Harris, and K. Williams, Denby, Derbyshire, colliers ; as far as regards E. Williams—J. Ansdell and P. Serjeantson, Liverpool, brekers—W. P. and J. Gaubert, Brewer- street, Golden-square, jewellers—C. Jay and R. Ashton, Gray's-inn-place, Gray'--

I an, attorneys—E. 0. Jones and R. Brindley, Dockhead, Tooley-strcct, slate-mcr. chants—W., W., J.' and W. Row, skin-brokers , as far as regards W. Pow the younger—J. Banks, Birmingham, flanks, Wolverhampton, and E. Tyler, Stour- port, ‘Vorcestershire, canal-carriers—R. and It. G. Ranson, Ipswich, tobacco- manufacturers—J. and B. Harvey, Bridge-load, Lambeth, linendrapers.


Oct. 6—John Rogers, Manchester and Rusholine, corn-merchant.


John Woolley, Denby, Derbyshire, brick-maker.


William James Baker St. John's, Clerkenwell, orange-merchant, to surrender, Oct. 20, 21, Nov. IS, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ma- tilde, Pancras-iane,

John Fensham, Wardour-street, Soho, picture-dealer, Oct. 20, 21, Nov.18, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Turner, Basing-lane. Jan: cc Gosling, Bucking, Essex, spirit-merchant, Oct. 14, 21, Nov. 1$, at the Bank- rupt Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Browning, Hatton-court, Thread- needle-street.

Thomas Fortune Highington, Durham, cattle-salesman, Oct. 24, 25, Nov. 18, at the Wheat-Sheaf Inn, Rushyford : solicitors, Messrs. Merediths and Reeve, Lin- coln's-inn.

John Day, Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, grocer, Oct. 21, 22, Nov. 18, at the George Inn and Commercial Hotel, Ledbury : solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and Medeall, Chancery-lane.

Lemuel Cambridge, Bristol and Prince Edward's Island, merchant, Oct. 20, 21, Nov. 18, at the Bush Tavern, Bristol: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and Med- calf, Chancery-lane.

Lemuel and Artenms Cambridge, Bristol and Prince Edward's Island, merchants, Oct. 21, 22, Nov. 18, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol : solicitor, Mr. Brittan, Ba- singhall-street.

DIVIDENDS. • Nov. 1, J., J. F., and T. Bell, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants—Oct. 21, J. T. Gunn, Foley-place, Marylebone, coachmaker—Oet. 31, A. Hartshorne, Fashion- street, Spit:Wields, dealer in building-materials—Oct. 31, T. Wilkinson, Wood- street, Mai whester warehouseman—Oct. :30, W. Winscombe, Bristol, builder—Nov.

5 G. Brown, Monmouth, innkeeper—Oct. 28, J. Jones, New Bond-street, linen-

draper—Oct. 28, Cook, Burr-street, East Smithfield, tailor—Nov. 3, J. Walters, ohne, Herefordshire, drover—Oct. 28, J. and C. Staniforth and J. AV. Gosling, Old Broad-street, merchants—Noe. 13, S. S. Porter, Exeter, cabinet-maker—Nov. 1, G. Alderson, Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, efiach-proprietor.


To Sc granted, tutless cause Sr shown to the contrary on or Wore Oct. 28.

R. and R.M.Fri;Ity, Mark-lane, wine-merchants—W.11. Moody, Aldersgate-street, coach-master—T. E. Collillsoll, Bread-street, wholesale-st a tioner—W. Dodge, Sher- burne, Dorsetshire, linen-draper—N. Brooks, Doverdale, Worcestershire, mercer— J. Hyde, Uffington, Shropshire, miller—W. Picktun, Liverpool, timber-merchant.

Friday, Oct. 10.


J. B. Boardman and W. Wilson, Liverpool, timber-dealers—W. Chadwick and W. W1-rill, Knottingley, Yorkshire, corn-millers—J. A. Fulton and .1. Green, Lawrence- Pountney-lane, spice-merchants—F. Lemiere and P. A. Nurdin, Cowcross-street, West-smithlield—D. Elston and S. Pontifix, Ohl Bailey, carpenters—E. and 31. Pickwick, NV. hishop, find 'f. Cooper, ]lath, coach-proprietors—N. Sugden ana smith, Keightey, wool-combmakers—.l. Pitt, T. Powell, and NV. Fripp, Bristol, bankers—J. Minot and J. Gaskin, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, stone- masons—G. Ivey and J. II. Grandison, Chapel-mews, Robert-street, Grosvenor- square, coach-smiths—J. Moorhouse, T. Rushfort h, and C. Steel, Sheffield, spring knife manufacturers—S. Sculthorpe and E. K. Jarvis, Hinckley, Leicestershire, attornies—T. and '1'. Needham and T. Bray, Hinckley, Leicestershire—hosiers ; as far as regards T. Needham, sen.—A. Fairchild and .1. Brown—E, and M. Evans, Haverfordwest, drapers—J. and J. E. Buzzard, Iligh Holborn, carvers—T. Ayres and J. T. Bennett, Fenchurch-street, goldsmiths—W. Stewart, B. Wheatley, and G. AdLard, Piccadilly, auctioneers.


Thomas Wilmot, Sloane-square. Chelsea, broker, to surrender Oct. 17, 24, Nov. 21, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. 1Vrentrnore and Ellis, St. Mildred's-court, Poultry.

Charles Tyrwhitt Jones, Lower Brook-street, horse-dealer, Oct. 21,1)1, Nov. 21, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitors, Messrs. Robinsou and Son, Half-moon-street, Piccadilly.

George Peploe, Hercules-buildings and Marsh-place, Lambeth, coash-maker, Oct. 21, 31, Nov. 21, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Evans and Harpur, Kenningtnn-cross.

James Myth' Bury St. Edmund's, draper, Oct. 17, 24, Nov. 21, at the Bankrupt's Court, Basinghall-street ; solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Sainbrook-court, Basinghall-street

William Salmon, West Malting, Kent, auctioneer, Oct. 21, 31, Nov. 21, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Wilton and Walter, John- street, Bedford-row.

Thomas Evetts, Birmingham, refiner of metals, Oct. 21, 29, Nov. 21, at the Royal IhR el, Birmingham : solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn.

Edward Hales, Birmingham, corn-dealer, Oct. 29, 330, Nov. 21, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham : solicitors, Messrs. Norton and Chaplin, Gray's-inn-square. Charles Queen, Liverpool, wine-merchant, Oct. 2:3 24, Nov. 21, at the Clarendon- buildings, Liverpool: solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Lion-square.


Dec. 5, R. Jou, Oxford-street, linendraper—Nov. 3, T. Suffolk, Cheadle, Staf-

fordshire, inalceeper—Nov. 7, E. Jones Liverpool, grocer—Nov. 11, D. Jones, Maehynleth, Montgomeryshire, tanner—Dec. 1, J. Harrison, Manchester, cotton. spinner—Nov. 11, H. Dunderdale, London, and W. T. Dunderdale, Manchester, merchants—Nov. 11, G. Drew, Manchester, grocer—Oct. 31, \V. D. and 'F. Gilbert, Leadenhall-street, opticians—Oct. 31,W. Spratley and J. Johnson, Long-acre and Rose-street, Covent-garden, coach-axle-manufacturers—Oct. 31, T. Hardy, Cowley, Middlesex, builder—Oct. 31, T. Parsons, Bishopsgate-street-within, wine-merchant —Oct. 31, S. Jaekaman, Ipswich, money-scrivener—Oct. SI, J. Wilks, sen. Few- ston, Yorkshire, fiax-spinner—Oct. 17, J. Smith and W. Brown, Finsbury-square, carpet-manufacturers—Oct. 31, J. Roche, Fore-street, Cripplegate, grocer—Nov. 4, S. Hayes, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, bookseller—Oct. 31, H. Parry and S. Underwood, Change-alley, Cornhill, bill-brokers—Nov. 4, H. Barker, New Broad- street-court, wine-merehant—Nov. 4, E. Tippetts, Basinghall-street, factor—Oct. 31, W. Waren!), Dart ford, patent. washing-machine-manufacturer—Nov. I, J. Heady, Blakeny, Glocestershire, shop-keeper—Nov. 4, J. Wilde, J. Bowden, T. Gartside, and S. Mayall, Oldham, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers—Nov. 4, E. Liam!, Chapel-street, New road, watchmaker, Nov. 3, G. Philips, Morton-in-Marsh, Glo- cestershire, victualler—Nov. 1, .1. Farror, Birmingham, wine-merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct. 31.

S. W. Glass, Liverpool, commission-agent—F. Foster, Oxford-street, tailor—C. Burrows, Adam-street, Adelphi, wine-merchant—C. Cunningham, Bryanstone- street, Portman-square, money-scrivener—T. Corlass, Keighly, Yorkshire, vic- tualler.