11 OCTOBER 1828, Page 15



The supply of Grain in general this week has been very moderate, and the Wheat trade On the whole remains much as on Monday ; quite as good prices are obtained, and Bonded Wheats are held on higher terms. Barley is certainly dearer, both for malting and grinding parcels, and Peas of both sorts fully support Monday's quota- tion. Beans are not so brisk in sale, and have rather declined in value. Oats inet a tolerably free sale, at an advance no variation worth notice.

Return P, of from Is. to 2s. per quarter. In other articles ice of Grain on board ship, as under :— S. S. S. S.

Wheat,EssexRed,70 to 75 Fine,.. "S "S to 43 Ticks, old, .... 40 to 48 Fine, .......... — 86


53 — 66 Ticks, new,......334 — 40 White, ..... 75 — 85 Fine, —70 Oats, Feed,...... 23 — 25 Fine, .... 90 — 95 Peas, Hog, .. 36 —39 Fine,. ..... 27 — 29 Superfine, ..... 95-100 Maple, — 41 Polands, ..... 23 —27 New, ........ 72 — 82 Peas, White, .... 40 —44

Fine.•- • • • . 26

— 30 R ye,— — 36 Boilers, 40 — •48 Potato,........ 30 — :32 Barley, ....... 32 — 38 Beans, small, .... 40 —45 Fine, ..... — 35 GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of BRITISH CORN,

For the Week ending OCT. 3, 1828, made up front the Returns of the Inspectors in the Maritime Cities and Towns in England and Wales.

Wheat, C5,. lid. Oats ':;s. 7d. .1,1eans, 34s. Oil.Barley, 33 5 Rye, ...... ..:t2 6 Peas, ..... . 38 0 AGGREGATE AVERAGE OF THE LAST s;k WEEKS.

Wheat, 61s. nd. Oats, ..... 23s. ral. Beans, 37,5,7d.

Barley,.. .- 32 7 Rye 31 5 Peas, . 41 10 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.

Wheat 91s. lid. Oats ... 125. 3d. I Beans ...... 14s. Od.

Barley 13 10 Itye 22s. 9 Peas ..... 0 QUANTITIES and PRICES of BRITISH CORN, &c. this Market during the week ending Tuesday, Sept. 25th, from the to the Inspector by the Corn Factors.—Imperial Measure.

QUM'S. Aver. Quo rs. A No% QIII1F.C. . 7671),. C:1S. 7d. 1 Oats ... 20509 .. 235.11d. I Beans—. 1785 ..

. 1037 .. 30 10 j Rye .... 140 .. 32 1 I Peas .... 7:31 ..

GRAIN arriv ed front SEPT. 30, to OCT..], both inclusive.

Eng,lish—Wheat 1-1021 qrs. English—Rape,. . — qrs. Foreign—Beans, — qrs.

Barley, .... 3440 Brank,

Peas, • • 22 Malt, 3187 ustard,.... • . — Linseed, .... 2961 Oats, .......

Rye, .. 10923 Seeds, Flour, .... 120 9447 sks• Rape, .. • • • SG Flour, .. —sks.

Bents, ...... . 1001 Foreign—Wheat 1:377 qrs. Irish—Wheat, .. 1857 qrs.

Peas, I 3t.38


— Barley,....... • .. 36 Tares, ........ 372 Oats, 380

Flour, ...... 972 sks.


Town made per sack.. . 75s. to s115. I Essex anti Suffolk, on board ship 605. to 70s.

Seconds... ..... ........ . 65 — 70 l Norfolk and Stockton 55 — 6:5 BRAN, per guar. 7s. (ti. to Ss. Od.—POLLABD, fine, per guar. 185. to °Os.


The highest price of Bread in the Metropolis is 13d. for the 411). Loaf. There are others who sell from a halfpenny to three halfpence below that rate.


The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ended Oct. 7th, is Ills. 1411.


Good Store Candles ... 7s. Od, per cloz.-31oulds ... Ss. Pal. per doz.

PRICE OF T ALLOW, SOAP, He. Ocronen 3.

Town Tallow, per 11211, 125. Oil. Yellow Soap, per 11211, 62s. Od.

Yellow RUSSBI. .11 0 Mottled ..... ..... . 68 0 White.. ............ ....... 41 0 Curd .......... ....... 72 0 Soap ditto ..... . 41 0

Craves ....................

20 0 Melting Stuff ...... 35 0 Good Dregs

Ditto Rough ...... — —

S3IITHFIELD, Frt nAv, °nit:far:a 10.

We cannot quote to-day's trade generally so good as Monday, and Beef goes off heavily ; the best Scots, however, still re: lise 4.s. lid. BIutton has a chill demand, and with difficulty makes Monday's figures, Lamb also sells at that day's value ; but Veal has declined full 2d. per stone with few buyers-5s. is the top price. Pork has nut varied from last statement.

To sink the offal—per stone of Silas.


'Is. 24. to 4s. 4d. to 4s. 6d. j Veal 3s. 6d. to 4s. 81 to 5s. 00.

Mlat011...... :3s. Sd. to 4s. lid. to 4s. 4d. Pork ..... 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. to (is. Od.

Lamb, 4s. ltd. to 4s. 4d. to .5s. lid.

Head of Cattle this day. I Beasts, 50:3 Sheep, 5,030 Calves, 232 Pigs ,130 Head of Cattle on Monday.. Beasts, 3100 Sheep, 22,760 Calves, 160 Pigs, ISO NENVGATE and LEADENHALL—By the Carcase. .

Beef, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 8d. I Veal,...... M. to 4s. 8d.

Mutton,— 3s. Od. to 4s. Oil. I Pork,.... . .4s. Oil, to 6s. Od. Lamb, Ss. 4d. to 4s. 8d.


S MITRE' E LD.—ilay, 8ns. Od. to Wis.—Inferior and new, 505. to 75s.—Clover, 95s. Od. to 105s.—Inferior DPW, 655. to 90s.—Straw, 30s. to Ms.

WirtfrxeirAeEf..—Clover, tills. to 115s.—Hay, Os. to 95s.—Straw, 20s. to Stls. Sr. JA3IES'S.—Superi or and prime Upland Meadow Hay, from 75s. to 25s.—In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, 55s. to 60s. ; IIPW G5s. to 70s.—Clover, 75s. to 120o.; new, —s. to —s.—Wheat Straw, :Ws. to 40s.—Oat, :12s. t,, 36s.- Barley,—s. to —s.—Rye, —s. to —5.5 per load of 36 trusses.—Supply good and trade dull.


Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices.

45 Newcastle.... . ..... 334 .. • . • •... 29, 6d. to 395. 9d.

Sunderland,...,.,. ,, .,,, 34 20d, Oil, to 41s. Gcl.

Sold in Wheat . Barley . Returns A rrr. 33s. 5d.

43 :3