Another candidate has offered himself to the electors of Windsor,—
Colonel Reid, of the Second Life Guards. The Colonel professes local attachments and Conservative principles-
" I am warmly and sincerely attached to our Protestant Church, and would firmly resist any measures that might appear to me calculated by possibility to, weaken or injure the sacred and invaluable establishment.
"The care of the poor, the aged, and the helpless, must ever be an object of deep interest to me; and I should rejoice at any practicable improvement of the Poor-law Amendment Act."
Mr. Rowland Hill having been mentioned as a candidate for whom a canvass had been commenced, that gentleman writes to the Times—" It
any one has canvassed the electors of Vrmdsor on my behalf, it has been done without my knowledge and contrary to my wishes."
Lord Alfred Spencer, one of the Duke of Marlborough's sons, has issued ail address claiming the suffrages of the Woodstock constituency: his prin- ciples, he says, are identical with those of the late Member, Lord Loftus. At the monthly meeting of the Leicester Complete Suffrage Association, on Tuesday evening, it was unanimously resolved- " That this Association, observing the preparations which are everywhere being made for a general election by professing Liberals who have little or no sympathy with the popular rights, earnestly recommends to the Complete Suffragists through- out the kingdom to endeavour without delay to procure suitable candidates: and this Association renews the pledge it has already given to the non-electors to assert its principle at the poll."