11 OCTOBER 1845, page 10

Topics Of The Day.

RAILWAYS IN LONDON. A GREAT scheme is on foot to build in Farringdon Street a can terminus for railways, uniting Liverpool, Manchester, Bir- mingham, and other places, with the......

Who Is The Reverend James West?

la SPECTATOR—Is the Rererend James West a clergyman? Part of his story is a detected fabrication; suspicion is on all of it. You have, however, made it the occasion, if not the......

Expense Of Mortgages.

Yorkshire, 6th October. Ma. Enrron—Permit me to say, that in your article on " Mortgages," in last week's Spectator, you have fallen into two important errors. You have stated,......

Water And Drainage.

OIIR great towns are diseased because we will not take prop& pains to arrange the drainage, the course and nature of the build- ings, and the supply of water. It is evident that......

The Only Variety In The Entertainments At Drury Lane This

week has been one of so novel and agreeable a nature that its repetition is desirable. We allude, not to the extempore divertissement got up by M. Pichler on Thursday, under the......

At The Haymarket, Mrs. Seymour, Formerly Miss Alison—who...

debut at the St. James's when it was first opened under Braham's manage- meat—is taking the lead in genteel comedy. She has played Miss Donlon in Mrs. Inchbald's comedy of Wives......

The Olympic Also Opened This Week, Under The Joint...

of Miss Kate Howard and Mr. George Wild. The house has been newly decorated in a very complete and handsome style; and the comfort of the public ap- pears to have been studied......