11 OCTOBER 1845, Page 9



The business in the English Funds has not been extensive; but prices have ad- vanced, principally from the effect of the purchases made on account of the Savings-bank: the closing quotations today are from 1 to 6 per cent above those of last week. Money has been rather more in demand; though no alteration has taken place in the rate of discount, which must continue the same as long as the Bank-rate is unaltered. This demand is in some measure occasioned by the pay- ments into the Exchequer, which have been in progress during the week, and which occasion the temporary withdrawal from general circulation of those por- tions of the revenue that have remained in the hands of the Receivers during the currency of the quarter. The payments upon Railway Scrip and Shares are beginning to tell upon the market; every week bringing a demand of from 200,000/ to 300,0001. upon that score. The circulation of this amount of capital is suspended for a very short time, but still long enough to produce an effect upon the Money-market.

The transactions in the Foreign Funds have been unimportant. Some little excitement has been observable among the dealers in Mexican Bonds ; but there has been nothing like a return to general business in any of the Foreign Stocks. Indeed any extensive transactions would be impossible, as almost all the jobbers, from the dearth of business, have forsaken the Stock Market and taken to dealing in Shares.

The heavier descriptions of Railway Shares have not varied materially from last week : but the tendency has been downwards, the newer varieties having more charms for the speculators. Of these, the continual production seems unabated; and they appear, like the eggs in ancient Egypt, to be hatched by artificial heat. The list seems to be in a course of daily augmentation ; though from the lateness of the period there would hardly appear to be sufficient time to prepare the necessary plans in order to their deposit with the various Clerks of the Peace before the 30th November.

The speculation in French Shares seems slackening: the demand for those of the Great Northern line (Constituted) has revived again, and several pur- chases have been made on French account. The flactuation in these Shares has not been sufficiently extensive to cause much variation in those of the com- panies forming the amalgamated association; and as there is now nothing to in- vite speculation in them, their future value will be governed by the price of the Shares of the Constituted line. For as 10 Shares in Deceart's and Le Bcenf's Company individually reuresentone 74 Shares in Rosamers Company, Share in the Constituted 12 Shares in Pepin le Halleur's Company, 9-10 in Lafitte's Company, Company, it is clear that unless considerable fluctuation take place in the latter, the Shares of the constituent companies cannot vary much in price. The success that has attended the East Indian Railway Company, the Shares of which have advanced more than 21,, viz. to 4* premium, has given rise to several new Indian schemes; among others one for Ceylon, the Shares of which, though

no allotment has taken place, have others, reached 2 premium. The same parties who have made such a successful speculation by the Dutch Rhenish Railway have in conjunction with Mr. Hudson contracted with the Canadian Government for the construction of the Great Western Canadian Railway, and intend to sell the Shares in the same way as those of the Railway previously mentioned: the first 15,000 Shares were intended to be sold at 3/. premium; but in consequence of the number of applications the price has been raised to 3/. 10s. premium, at

which price the whole have been disposed of : the letters of allotment are to be delivered this evening, and the price in the market is now from 4/. to 5/. premium. The books of those Stocks the Dividends upon which become due today, will open for private transfer tomorrow, and the Dividends themselves be paid to the public on Monday.

SATCEDAT, Two o'cLocx.

In the English Market prices have declined; some speculators on the Revenue Return having realised. In the Foreign Market no alteration has occurred. The Share Market has been rather heavier during the day, but without any material alteration in value. Aberdeen, 34 4* premium; Armagh, Coleraine, and Port- rush, 1 14 premium; Birmingham and Gloucester, 127 129; Bristol and Exeter, 91 93; Ditto, New, 10 11 premium; Ditto, Extension, 34 34; Cambridge and Oxford, 4 1; Chester and Holyhead, 54 54 premium; Direct Manchester, (Remington's,) 24 24; Dublin mid Galway, 14 11; Eastern Counties, 224 23; Goole and Doncaster, 5 54; Great Western, 82 84; Ditto, Half-shares, 41 48; Ditto, Fifths, 16 18: Leicester and Birmingham, 1 2; London and Birmingham, 217 219; Ditto, Quarter, 2426: London and Blackwell, 94 94; Ditto, New, `2k 21; London and Brighton, 69 70; Newry and Enniskillen, 4 1 prem.; Newark Shef- field, and Boston, 3 34, North British, 10 104; Ditto, New, 5 54; Nord' Kent and Direct Dover, 14 2 prem.; North Staffordshire, 54 6; Oxford and Wor- cester, 13 134; Portsmouth Direct, 24 3; Scottish Central, 11 12; Scottish Midland, 34 4; South Eastern amid Dover, 413 424; South Wales, 44 5; Welsh Midland, 14 14 premium; Wilts, Somerset and Southampton 11 24; Bou- logne and Amiens, 44, 54; premium; Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Southampton, (Macken- zie's,) 4 premium; Central of Spain, 4; Dutch Rhenish, 6 64; Great Paris and Lyons, 4; Jamaica South Midland Junction, 44 54; Louvain and Jemeppe, 4 4 premium; Namur and Liege, 14 2: Paris and Lyons, (Laffitte's,) 1 1; Paris and Lyons, (Ganneron's,) * 4; Paris and Lyons, (Galon's,) 4 i; Paris and Stma- bourg, (Ganneron's,) 4 4 pm.; Royal North of Spain, 4; Sambre and Meuse, 14 14; West Flanders, 21 34.

3 per Cent Consols .....

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced. .ex div

33 per Cents ex div.

Long Annuities Bank Stock ex div.

Exchequer Bills Prem.

India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents ex div Belgian 43 per Cents Chillan 6 per Cents 981 i

983 3

971 1001 3 11 3-16 207 8 4951 266 8 863 73 993 1001 99 101 Columbian ex Venezuela ...

Danish 3 per cents

Dutch 23 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents....ex div Mexican 5 per Cents Ditto Deferred Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841

Ditto 4 per Cents 1845

Russian 5 per Cents .ex dlr Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Ceuta 1842

173 183 88 9 60 I 943 63 313 2 163 17 — 60 2 1123 114 27 4 38 3


The English Stock Market is very quiet this morning with scarcely any varia- tion in prices. Consols for money and the Account, 9844. Three per Cent Reduced, 9744, ex div.; Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents, 10041, ex div.•' Bank Stock, 2074, ex div.; Long Annuities, 11 3-16; Exchequer Bills, 48 to 50: India Stock, 266 to 268.

In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing. Brazilian, 86a 74 ; Belgian, 994 1004; Chaim, 99 to 101; Columbian, ex Venezuela, 18 to 4; Danish, 88 to 9; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents, 60 to 1: Ditto Four per Cents, 944 53; Mexican, 314 2; Ditto Deferred, 166 17; Portuguese

ese Four per Cents 60 to 2; Russian, 1124 134; Spanish Active, 27 to ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 384. A small amount of business has been transacted in the Share Market, but with little alteration compared with yesterday.