[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] San,—I take it that
Professor Scott has not personally put his theories into practice upon one-third of an acre of ground (less building site). It would be an easy thing to do, and we should then know exactly what can be done in our climate and short growing season. I am sure that many of your readers, of whom I should be one, would gladly subscribe the sum needed to provide the fruit trees, hens, pigeons and rabbits ; also if there was room for them, bees and a pig, omitting perhaps the "milk producer" until the winter fodder had been put up. Much nourishment can be raised on one-third of an acre, and it is a great amenity to a work- man's home but it is very undesirable to overstate the blessings to be gained, when probably the necessary outlay involves the savings of years.
I would give a larger subscription if Professor Scott would do the digging, and look after the live stock himself (as I did for three years, besides doing M.R. and other clerical work). It could, however, doubtless be done by deputy under Profes- sor Scott's supervision. A careful account could be kept of all expenses, such as manure, seeds, chicken food, pig meal, also of the food created. The time spent on the plot should equal that which a worker could spare. Anxious to learn I ordered the book Professor Scott names, but my booksellers wrote that it was unobtainable.
An ounce of practice is worth a ton of thorny, and if Professor Scott will show an accomplished success under normal con- ditions, with an accurate statement of cost, no one will be better pleased than liYN310N.