11 OCTOBER 1924, page 24


A LITTLE WRONG AT - HEART. SOMEHOW Miss Stella Benson keeps her readers in a continual sight. To begin with, she will engage our sympathy for a character; she will show him.......

Shorter Notices.

ENCOUNTERS AND DIVERSIONS. By E. V. Lucas. (Methuen. 6s. net.) ENCOUNTERS AND DIVERSIONS. By E. V. Lucas. (Methuen. 6s. net.) We look at Mr. Lucas's new book and see to our......

A Magician Among The Spirits. By Houdini.' (harpers. 12s....

net.) A MAGICIAN AMONG THE SPIRITS. By Houdini.' (Harpers. 12s. 6d. net.) "After twenty-five years of ardent research and endeavour," Houdini writes in his introduction, " I......

London Inns And Taverns. By Leopold Wagner. (allen And...

7s. 6d. net.) LONDON INNS AND TAVERNS. By Leopold Wagner. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. net.) There is almost too much information in Mr. Wagner's new book. He has been exploring......

Santa Claus In Summer. By Compton Mackenzie. (constable....

net.) Mr. Compton Mackenzie is here very frivolous and worldly. He has collected a great number of nursery rhymes, and has fixed them, "in scramble-sort," into a long,......

Good And Bad Manners In Architecture. By Trystan Edwards....

Allan. 6s. net.) From the very title of Mr. Edwards' book we can see that it is, on the whole, a work of negative criticism. Nothing so transcendent as spirit or afflatus in......