SIR:—The writer of the article " An Anzac in England " is now in the Near East, so he cannot reply to his critics. His remark that the natural resources of England are grossly neglected is not in dispute, and a depopulated countryside is not healthy for the nation. (Sydney- sider's objection to this criticism, based on self-interest, would be echoed by Denmark and Holland.) His impression of London is not unique; facts are not abolished by excuses. The incompetence of London's system of local government, dealt with in The Spectator of .September 27th, together with the state of evacuated city children which discredits our " wonderful " State Services, are some of many re■elations in wartime. Mr. Melbourne gave no opinion on tolerated brothels; he contrasted the horror expressed here at the suggestion with the fact that Queenslanders told him disease was far more prevalent in London. He knows Queensland thoroughly ; the Secre- tary of the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene who condemns Queensland might inquire into today's results of London leave.—