More Herbs •
A famous Alpine garden has been converted in this war, as in the last, into an intensive plot for the production of belladonna. This is one example of the value that may be......
Sensitive Birds A Certain Lack Of Guns, Ammunition And...
has saved the life of very many game birds—grouse, pheasants and partridges —in this exceptional year ; but on one farm at any rate the birds have not been so lucky. A bomb that......
Late Roses
It is one of the tasks of a gardener to sprinkle his garden with late-flowering plants or shrubs ; and perhaps the date of flowering is particularly important in the class of......
Wild Provender
The Government has been urging country children to collect acorns and horse chestnuts for the farmers, and it might have added crab apples, which are in great profusion. The......
The Cinema
Ministry of Information Shorts " Saloon Bar." At the Gaumont. THE Films Division of the Ministry of Information is now launch- ing its ambitious and much-discussed programme of......
Country Life
Gossamer Indeed A quaint and, as usual, mistaken rumour was tentatively endorsed by authority, that must surely have been urban, during l a st week. People were warned that a......