Tono-Bungay, The New Machiavelli, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The
Time Machine and Other Stories, A Short History of the World, The War of the Worlds, Love and Mr. Leivishatn, The Invisible Man, Kipps. (Penguin Books. ls. per volume.) OF the ninety-five odd books by H. G. Wells published between his Select Conversations with an Uncle (1895) and his Mind at the End of its Tether (1945) the above ten have been selected by Penguin Books to be published in commemoration of his eightieth birthday—which woulthhave occurred on September ztst, if he had not died shortly before that date. It is an extremely good choice, omitting nothing of real importance, perhaps, except Mr. Briding Sees it Through and Experiment in Autobiography. It is a trul) colossal output, and if we discover that about eighty per cent. of it wears rather badly yet we must remember ,that Wells wrote N influence his contemporaries, not for future fame. Some of his books may, nevertheless, have- a long life and they are likely to be found among those' listed above.