Church Union In South India
SIR,-1 am tempted to waste your space by answering the not very kind letter of your correspondent, the Rev. Edward Leach ; but I think it will be more useful to complete my......
Hunger In Germany
Snt,—No serious person can now deny the reality of the famine in Germany and in Austria., Millions of people are threatened with death. (Already in August ro,000 people in......
Poland's Frontiers Sir,—with Reference To Mr. Nago ,...
week's Spectator on the subject of General Anders, "the rebirth of freedom and independence in Poland," is obviously associated with "a democratic and freely-elected......
Chimes At Midnight
SIR,—A cathedral clock has just announced in stentorian tones that it is 4.0 a.m. At one, two and-three o'clock it has reminded me that whilst time flies it can equally hang......
African Students In Britain
Sm,—African students are coming to British universities and colleges in increasing numbers, and the State, as represented by the Colonial Office, is providing advisers, welfare......
The Spectator
Additional paper is being released, and we are now in a position to accept orders for an unlimited number of subscriptions for THE SPECTATOR. Subscription rates : Inland or......