Living without TV
Sir: Mr Booker's article on 'Living with television' (27 September) finds a ready in my own experience. Widowed and 'iv' alone, I have no television: the sense freedom is wonderful. I now have time read and form my own opinions, and have escaped the pressure exerted by commercials to make me into their id average consumer—oh boy, that's so thing!
When I used to watch with my family Richard Dimbleby's days, I used to th. only a man of his integrity should use s a powerful mass media.
What really revolted me was seeing swinging pendulum used to implant an h notic suggestion in the viewer's subconsci by some crafty commercial. Finally, coverage of the 1966 election, using awful pendulum which kept a nation hyp tiscd operated by a loathsome little unable to conceal his own political settled the question for me.
Sarah Rowb 4 Taunton Court, Taunton Road, 'Kidli ton, Oxford