Britain And Biafra
Sir: The letter from Mr E. S. James (20 September) illustrates the problems faced by the BBC External Services when covering a tragic conflict such as the civil war in Nigeria.......
Smuggled Goods
Sir,—Whether or not I am indeed (as David Burg so flatteringly writes—Lette October) a 'man of experience in affairs', he really should try to under that many readers of his......
Treat In Store
Sir: J. W. M. Thompson in `Spectat notebook' (6 September) justifiably plains because Concorde will shortly v 'his' Atlantic promontory and he sugg that the tests ought to take......
Table Talk
Sir: Could Sir Denis Brogan concentrate his 'Table talk' a little? He has to his credit fine works on important subjects and much dis- tinguished service as a roving unofficial......
Note Of Despair
Sir: I would not presume to challenge Tibor Szamuely's personal knowledge of Russia and its people (13 September). Not only because I have none myself but be- cause I invariably......
Living Without Tv
Sir: Mr Booker's article on 'Living with television' (27 September) finds a ready in my own experience. Widowed and 'iv' alone, I have no television: the sense freedom is......
Record Time
Sir: David Knowles (27 September) is too good a friend of the Public Record Office, and too much a stickler for evidence, to mind a reproof for being out of date. In his review......