11 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 8



The foreign intelligence announces important movements in Spain, in Italy, and on the Algerian frontier.

As a sequel to the amnesty, the Madrid Gazette of the 4th instant ptih- lishes a Royal decree appointing General Espartero Captain-General of the Spanish Army and Senator of the kingdom.

A Royal decree of the 1st instant appoints General Manuel de la Concba to be Captain-General of Catalonia.

Major-General Don Anselmo Blazer is named Director-General of In- fantry.

The Ministers have issued a notification with regard to the press. In a document addressed to the Queen, they announce their intention to bring before the Cortes a plan of securing the liberty of the press; which "will then return to the dominion of the jury, the only tribunal competent to decide on the greater part of the offences committed by it." A temporary measure is in the meanwhile imperatively called for: accordingly, a circu- lar is addressed by the Minister of the Interior to the Political Chiefs, pro- hibiting all publications relative to the private life of the Queen and of her august Consort: the penalties are, the suppression of the journal and the confiscation of the security lodged by the proprietor, or a fine of 60,000 reels if the offence be committed in a pamphlet.

A body of Carlists entered the town of Olot, in Catalonia' on the 2c1 instant; but on the approach of a superior force they retied, after seizing the money in the public treasury, and putting to death fourteen sick sol- diers that lay in the Military Hospital.