11 SEPTEMBER 1847, page 9

The Journal Des De:bats Publishes The Following...

" We are assured that the Government yesterday received the news that Abd- el-Kader had possessed himself of the town of Taza, in Morocco, and would march on Fez. Taza is......

Apropos To The State Of Business In The Corn-market, The

Times supplies - RODIe further particulars respecting the new batch of commercial disasters- Apropos to the state of business in the corn-market, the Times supplies - RODIe......

Advices From Rome Mention That The Commanders Of The...

garri sons have been instructed to repel foreign invasion and to this end they are authorized to use the assistance of volunteers.......

Last Night's Gazette Notifies The Appointment Of Lord...

Robert Willis, MA., Captain Henry James, R. E., Mr. George Rennie, Mr. William Cubitt, and Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, to be her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the......

The Lisbon Letters Of The 31st August Contain Little News.

Revolution- ary agents were still at work on the South bank of theTagus, where symp- toms of another Democratic insurrection were manifesting themselves.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCH•NOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Money has been more in demand than usual; and the English Stocks have expe- rienced a decline of 1 per cent, the closing quotations of today......

Some Of The Newspapers Announced Last Week That Jenny Lind

had been engaged for next season at Her Majesty's Theatre. We passed the state- ment by, until it should be confirmed: but this week we learn, from more unquestionable......

The Theatres.

An extravaganza on the subject of Shakspere's House, and the sale thereof, has been produced at the Adelphi. The author, Mr. Stirling Coyne, of course makes the piece a vehicle......

The Builder Suggests This "compendium Of Requisites."...

sewerage, suppression of all cesspools, ample supply of water, the widening of allies, provision of healthful dwellings for the industrous classes, means of carry- ing off the......