The Journal des De:bats publishes the following intelligence from Algeria-
" We are assured that the Government yesterday received the news that Abd- el-Kader had possessed himself of the town of Taza, in Morocco, and would march on Fez. Taza is half-way between the Algerian frontier and Fez. It bass popu- lation of from 6,000 to 8,000 souls. It is situated at the Southern extremity of one of the last ridges of the Rif, in a tolerably strong position, and is surrounded by an old wall, half Moorish, half Portuguese, flanked by square towers. These fortifications are fallen in ruins in all parts. The streets are tortuous and very narrow; the town is watered by numerous fountains, supplied by the sources from the mountains, and the waters of which are subsequently made to fertilize vast gardens."
The Duke d'Aumale arrived at Compiegne on the 7th, and is to sail next week for Algeria.
"We have been assured," says the Union Monarchique, "that the Royal ordinance appointing M. Guizot President of the Council will appear in a few days. Its publication was delayed by the opposition which the pre- tensions of M. Guizot to secure to himself, as President of the Council, the superior direction of the affairs of Algeria, experienced from several of his colleagues."
A grand Reform banquet took place at Strasbourg on Sunday last. There were 700 persons present. The toasts were of an ultra-Liberal description, not one being vouchsafed to the King. Similar demonstrations were pre- paring at St. Quentin, Meaux, Lille, Arras, Amiens, Montauban, and many other places.