The Builder suggests this "compendium of requisites." "Cheap and efficient
sewerage, suppression of all cesspools, ample supply of water, the widening of allies, provision of healthful dwellings for the industrous classes, means of carry- ing off the products of combustion and vitiated air from all apartments, and of obtaining a good supply of pure air, are desiderata of the utmost consequence to all classes of society. Until we remove some of the enormous physical evils which the want of these involves, we cannot hope greatly to improve the morals or refine the taste of the people."
The Galway Mercury reports, that on Sunday last the Customhouse authori- ties of Galway seized the American relief ship Islam of Philadelphia. Some to- bacco kept on board for ship's use on which the duty had not been paid, had been removed. It is supposed to have been stolen; but of coarse the Customhouse offi cles looked only to illicit removal of the goods in bond.
sale of the late Mr. O'Connell's furniture began at his house in Merrion Square, Dublin, on Thursday, and attracted a crowd of devotees. The furniture was observed to be old-fashioned and remarkably plain: however, it was expected to realize its full value, in tlx ...y of relics. A gridiron, valued at is. by the broker, was sold for ar. 6d.