11 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Slit,—I have only bad the opportunity to-day of reading your issue of August 28th. The"suggestion, which is quoted from the Economist, that the amount of the bonds issued in the case of Irish Land Stock should be £5 and multiples thereof is an admirable one. I quite agree with you, from personal experience, that there is plenty of money waiting to be invested in Ireland in the hands of small investors. There is often great difficulty in finding a suitable outlet for small sums, and there is a natural reluctance on the part of uneducated people to send money to Dublin or Belfast brokers. Why not," then, utilise the Post Office for the purpose of receiving these small sums, and on the one hand popularise the Irish Land Stock, and on the other provide a safe outlet for small savings P-1 am, Sir, &c.,