11 SEPTEMBER 1909, page 16
Indian Students In English Families. [to The Emma Or Nes
..sexcurea."] SIB,—According to Renter's telegram of the Indian Budget speech the Master of Elibank alluded to (1) the difficulty of the problem. of dealing with the increasing......
The Decay Of The Church Of Rome.
[To THE EDrfOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Your review of Mr. McCabe's book on "The Decay of the Church of Rome" in the issue of August 28th is sure to interest every reader of......
Slave-grown Cocoa.
[To Tux EDITOZ OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIE,—In a letter of August 14th we announced Mr. Joseph Burtt's proposed visit to the United States as a deputation from the Anti-Slavery......