11 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 22
READABLE NovuLs.—The Yellow Rose. By Mamas Jdkai. Translated from the
Hungarian by Beatrice Danford. (Jarrold and Sons. 2s. 6d. not.)—A tragic story of jealousy, good of its kind, which readers who like such things should enjoy.—Moon of Valleys. By David Whitelaw. (Greening and Co. 6s.)—The enormously valuable jewel which some enterprising Western seeks to appropriate, and some tenacious Eastern to keep, is an old friend; but we are not sorry to meet it again.—A Running Fight. By J. Helledoren. (John Long. 6s.)—Here we have the familiar story, which, however, seems never to grow stale, of a treasure-hunt in the face of a watchful foe.