The most important news from the Balkans is contained in
the report of an interview between the representative of the Petit Parisian and M. Venezelos at Athens. The Greek Prime Minister said :- "I return to office at a very difficult moment. At the present time acts are wanted, not words, and above all discretion. I shall not say any more at the coming sittings of the Chamber; if questions of too direct a nature are asked, I shall not reply to them. I could not reply to them satisfactorily, in view of my recent return to activity. We will discuss the most urgent Bills and vote the indispensable credits, and then the Chamber will take its recess and will not resume work until some time in October. Between now and then I intend to work silently to restore matters to their proper state and harmony."
It is not too much to read into this discreet pronouncement the desire of M. Venezelos to reconstitute the Balkan League. If the Entente Powers are unable to bring it about by negotia- tion, M. Venezelos is the only statesman in the Balkans who can do it.