The Problem Of Public Assistance.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The scene in the South Lincolnshire cottage depicted by " Subscriber " in your issue of August 21st is a pleasant and satisfactory one,......
" The Trade."
[To TIM EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—Your article upon " The Drink Problem" leads me to ask : When was it, and by whom, that the liquor interest was first called......
The Birmingham Women's Settlement.
[To TUE EDITOR or TIER " SPECTAT011.1 Sui,—Although special war charities are absorbing the activities of most leisured people at the present time, it is just possible that some......
A •summer Holiday In War Time.
[To TEE EMT= Or TRH "SPECTATOR,") S1R,—Among the unaccustomed occupations which this summer has brought with it,a privileged few, mainly University women students and......
" Scoff " Or " Skoff," Has Long Been Current
at the Cape in the sense of a trek or march. Thus, speaking of a journey performed by a span of oxen or a column of troops, it is usual to say " We did a mighty long scoff last......