"SPICTLTOR...] Sin,--The fact mentioned in the Spectator of August 14th that of all the men who reach the age of twenty years only about 54 per cent, are passed as physically fit for military service, does not mean, as Mr. J. E. H. Thomson believes. that Germany can only use in war about 54 per cent, of the men who have reached the military age. The figures for the year 1911, which are the latest that I have seen, show that a proportion much larger than 54 per cent. can be used In that year 53•4 per cent. of the young men who had reached their twentieth year wore found to be fit to begin their training at once; 15.1 per cent. were not quite ready, but seemed to be likely to be quite fit in a year or two ; 25.1 per cent. were found to be "less fib," and had their names entered for service in the Landwehr or Landsturm ; and only 61 per cent. were found to be unfit. In war time all the fit, the "going-to-be- fit," and the "less-fit" are used for fighting or for other military purposes.—I am, Sir, &o., T. C. HORRFALL. Smanscee Park, near Macclesfield.