11 SEPTEMBER 1915, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR Or TEE " BrDOTATOR.”] SIR,—A year ago to-day the late Lord Roberts asked the nation to lend field glasses to His Majesty's forces in the field. This morning the records show that in response to this and subsequent letters from Lady Roberts upwards of twenty-three thousand glasses have been dealt with by the National Service League, to whom the working of the scheme was from the first entrusted. This figure, on reflection prodigious, might seem an adequate response ; yet today the waiting-list exceeds the glasses in hand thirtyfold. The truth is the Army still needs, and the nation must still give generously, lavishly, magnificently, as heretofore. Our needs are, in order of urgency, prismatic glasses, telescopes, and good old-fashioned non-prismatic glasses for N.C.O.'s and men. Opera-glasses, unless exceptionally good, are not suitable for

military purposes.—I am, Sir, &a., JOTIN PENOYRE.

Lady Roberts's Field Glass Fund, National Service League, 72 Victoria Street, S.W., September 4th,