On Wednesday the Daily New stated that the Committee (pre-
sided over by Lord Crewe, and having as members Lord Curzon, Lord &Thorne, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, and Mr. Arthur Henderson} which was appointed to consider measures for increasing the strength of the Army had drawn up its Report. The chief recommendation is said to be that a quota of men should be required from each recruiting district, and that if this quota were not forthcoming in a given time by voluntary recruiting, compulsion should be applied. We are extremely glad to read this statement. It does not of course follow that the Government will adopt the recommendation, but at all events there is now placed before them, on the authority of their own chosen advisers, the only plan which, in our own opinion, would give us the men we require under a voluntary system. As in the case of Lincoln's "Draft," voluntaryism would be made a reality by the automatic principle of compulsion lying behind it.