During the week reports have been published in the American
and French papers from visitors to the Grand Fleet. The group of distinguished Frenchmen who were the guests of Admiral Jellicoe for the best part of a week included M. Piohon, formerly Minister of Foreign _Affairs, M. Mille, of the Temps, and M. Rene Basin, the well-known Academician and novelist. Although there is nothing specially new in these reports—unless we except the striking account of the way the 'Lion' was safely brought into port after the action in which the `Bliicher ' was sunk—the letters of M. Pichon, M. Mille, and Mr. Palmer form a remarkable tribute to the wonderful efficiency of the British Navy in sweeping the seas, and the equally wonderful silence in which that great feat has been accomplished. It was highly desirable that representatives of our allies and of the most powerful of the neutral States should have an opportunity of realizing what lies behind that silence in the way of discipline, devotion, and equipment.