Dead Voles Field voles are fond of making their homes
in our rockeries where they tunnel and make their living chambers in the shelter .of large stones. More than once I have had occasion to reset the stones and have• discovered a nest containing young in a hole that led along the side of the stone. The young are quickly moved by the parents if the stones, are put back. I am not sure of the range of ihe vole's diet and I wonder if he is fond of crocus corms and sprouting carnations in a hard winter, but he is such a handsome little fellow—the short- tailed vole—that I am delighted when I get a brief glimpse of him. Yesterday a dead vole was found on the lawn where I have come across several others before. The scavengers of the garden quickly take care of the undertaker's work and the dead vole was being devoured by beetles and other insects.