Srn,—mild And Inoffensive Though I Meant To Be, I Find
I have offended someone with my article " Americans in Paris." This time there is nothing specific to 'answer; it is simply plain, through the fog of ferocious annoyance, that......
Letters To The Editor
The Old Age of the British Ass. Sra,—As a professional science correspondent I should like to make a few comments on the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The......
A Classical Education Sir,—last Night In Bed I Was Reading
the Metamorphoses of Ovid. This morning I read Mr. Peter Bishop's article on A Classical Education, I am on the point of writing you an indignant letter saying what nonsense......
If You Find Any Difficulty Or Delay In Obtaining Your
" SPECTATOR " Please write : — THE CIRCULATION MANAGER, "Spectator," 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1.......
Trial By Jury Sir,—especially In Grave And Sensational...
nowadays are so fully and widely reported, it would seem to be almost inevitable that details of evidence given in lower courts, where the magistrates do not try the case but......
Americans In Paris Sir,—as An Irishwoman Who Has Fairly...
spent eight months in Paris, may I say that my impression of the Americans there coincided exactly with Miss Quigly's ? Mr. Boyle quotes some of the phrases she used about......