Florence Desmond. By Florence Desmond. (Harrap. 16s.)
THE early passages .of this book particularly interested me as so much is connected with . the management for which I was working myself. But quite apart from, this, I do like what has always been one of the author's special charms, her utter frankness. After reading this actress's autobiography I feel that the true sincerity of the book has come through because she has written it herself. Normally in a successful career, you are bound to meet celebrities all the time, and what is wanted in a book of this kind is for them to be mentioned. Dessie does this beautifully, and without obviously cramming in name after name. I find the references to her father's shop enchanting, and she describes episodes in her early life in an almost Dickensian manner. A most talented person, with a tremendous sense of humour, has written an engaging book.
H. B.