12 APRIL 1902, Page 18

pro van Exams OF THE " SPZOTATOR.1 813,.-4 have read

with interest your article on horse-breeding in the Spectator of March 15th. I have seen some cobs in North Devon, the type you reoommend for polo ponies, bred by an Exmoor pony stallion out of a thoroughbred, or nearly thoroughbred, mare. They combined activity with strength, and had the endurance and hardness of the Exmoor pony. They are not common, as until recently they did not pay to breed, as size was so much required. I remember one cob bred in this way that was one of three only that got to the end of a celebrated ran with the staghounds some years ago, and was carrying a man who rode nearly fourteen stone.

—I am, Sir, &c., JOHN DENE. Horwood, Bideford, N. Devon.