12 APRIL 1902, page 1

As To What Should Be The Attitude Of Our Government

to offers from the Boers, we can only repeat in substance what we said a fortnight ago. There can be no compro- mise on the question of independence, or of allowing the Boers......

The Paris Correspondent Of The Times States, In What He

intends to be a very serious way, that if the Triple Alliance is renewed next year—which it will be—it will be renewed exactly as it stands. The general idea that clauses......

News Of The Week.

T HERE is practically nothing to record in the way of war news—except a small " drive " in the Orange Colony, reported on Friday, which resulted in the capture of sixty......

The Extraordinary Bitterness Now Existing In Russia...

classes and the Government is well illus- trated by two recent incidents. The students arrested in Moscow mutinied against their treatment, probably on good grounds, and the......

At Noon On Thursday The Coffin Containing Mr. Rhodes's

body, which as it passed through South Africa was greeted with every mark of grief and respect, was laid to rest in his rock-cut tomb in the Matoppos. At the grave Mr. Kipling's......

The "manchurian Convention" Between Russia And China Was...

the Chinese Emperor on April 9th, and is already in force. Under its provisions Russia retires from Manchuria within eighteen months, the evacuation being accomplished by slow......

*„,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
