The Ten Tribes, from the Captivity until Now. By Colonel
J. Gamier (late R E.) (Robert Banks and Son. 8s. 6d.)—We shall not attempt a criticism of this "analysis and historical proof of the British-Israel theory." Colonel Gamier, who is, anyhow, a patriot, sees in the wealth, the extended Empire, and the valour of the British race the confirmation of his theory. These blessings and virtues were promised to Israel ; Britain possesses them ; therefore, if we may compress his argument into a syllogism, Britain is Israel. An additional proof he finds in the fact that all the nations of the world hate us. May we add the conside, ation that among us, as among the Israelites, there is a minority of sons of Belial who despise, or pretend to despise, the wealth, do their best to diminish the Empire, and depreciate the virtues of their countrymen ? We admire an honest soldier who loves his country and believes in its destiny, but we cannot accept his theory.