12 APRIL 1913, Page 12


to one of Mr. Lloyd George's admirers in the House of Commons that he should ask the following question of the Prime Minister : " Whether, in the light of recent disclosures, he will consider the advisability of increasing the salary of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, hi order that he, as guardian of the public purse, may not again be tempted to eke out his apparently inadequate salary of f.:5,000 a year by indulging in speculative investments (the money in payment for which he has to borrow) on information given him directly or indirectly by the managing director of a company which is under contractual obligations to the British Government ; and, further, whether he will approve of such increase being passed by the resolution of the House in accordance with the precedent established by the Chancellor himself as regards members' salaries, in order that the country may not have an opportunity of saying yea or nay to the subject" P—I am, Sir, Sze.,