The Preservation Of Leighton House For The Public.
[To THE EDITOR Os THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—On behalf of the Leighton House Committee kindly allow me to make an appeal through your columns for the necessary funds in order that......
Football Coupon Betting.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—Having read with great interest the article in the Spectator by Mr. Russell on the subject of football coupon betting, I thought you......
Bad Words.
[To Tax EDITOR OF THR "SrEcurop..”] SIR,—Can you help to drive the following words out of use, viz.: Mentality, obsession, necessities (for "necessaries "). meantime (for "......
The Horses Of Elberfeld.
f To rtut EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR...1 SIE,—The writer of the article on the recent International Congress of Zoology at Monaco alludes briefly to Professor Ziegler's......