12 APRIL 1913, Page 16



Stn,—Having read with great interest the article in the Spectator by Mr. Russell on the subject of football coupon betting, I thought you might possibly be interested to hear of the meeting of protest held in Bolton on April 7th. I also enclose you a copy of a circular which was widely distributed in the town. I may say the large audience was composed very largely of working men, and I do not think I have ever been at a meeting where the speakers were listened to with such close attenlion.—I am, Sir, Sze., Z.

"Drell Sin,—We beg to draw your attention to the enclosed notice of a meeting to be held at the Spinners' Hall, on Monday, April 7th, to support the action of the Football Association in their efforts to suppress football coupon betting. As you are no doubt aware, the Football As.ociation is endeavouring to secure the passage through Parliament of a Bill which will make the printing or publishing of all forms of football betting coupons illegal. It is unnecessary to dwell upon the very grave dangers arising from the enormous increase of football betting during recent years. There is little doubt that the systematic circulation of betting coupons week after week is encouraging largo numbers of people to bet who would not do so if the opportunities thus given could be removed. Moreover, those who are actively con- cerned in football are convinced that unless measures are taken, and taken quickly, to suppress coupon betting, the continuation of League football in this country will be seriously threatened. There is also the danger that the harmful effects of football betting may spread to Sunday-school football and other forms of Junior football.

As you will see from the notice of the meeting, the speakers are well known in the football world, and we may say that the meeting has the warm approval of all the Bolton Wanderers' directors. We therefore ask you in the interests of true sport to make an earnest appeal to all your members to support the meeting by their presence at the Spinners' Hall on April 7th.

Jamors 1 ouNo, Mayor of Bolton; T. A. CHAPHAN, Vicar of Bolton ; COL GEORGE DESKRTH ; JOHN R. BARLOW ; DEAN A VERDONK ; A. LE MARCHANT ; R. S. WOODHASS, Victoria Hall ; P. R. PARSONS, Secretary Sunday School Social League; PETER WARD, Director Bolton Wan- derers; JOHN SLATER, Wanderers' full back ; DAVID STOKES, Wanderers' outside right; W. J. LIPSCOMB, Headmaster Bolton Grammar School; J. S. Roseow, Vice-President, Lancashire Football Association; T. Y. RiTsoN, Lancashire Football Association; J. T. HOWCROFT, Lancashire Football Association ; P. Buramuou, Opera- tive Cotton Spinners' Association."