A few back-benchers, greatly daring, ventured to take part in
the discussion on Tuesday. Mr. Gallacher, oblivious of the record of the Soviet Government, dilated on the general futility of war. Mr. Maxton pointed out that it was the pacific small nations who had up till now been the principal sufferers. Mr. Mander asked whether any information was available regarding the landings at Bergen and Narvik and suggested that, as in the Finnish case, steps should be taken to obtain a formal verdict from the League of Nations con- demning this latest act of aggression. Finally, Sir Richard Acland urged Ministers to be consistent and not to condone in the Far East actions of the same character as those which they censured and opposed in Europe. The value of these interventions is natuially a matter of opinion. Possibly some of them did not serve any very useful purpose, though Mr. Mander's queries were certainly pertinent. Nevertheless, it is unfortunate that on such occasions the die-hard element cannot exercise a little more restraint. At times they appear to resent anything in the way of criticism. * *