My Paragraph Last Week On The Questions Put To Certain
candidates for commissions in the Guards consisted of a statement of fact, which was interesting and relevant, and a rather light-hearted line of comment - , which I never......
I Have Heard Of This, But Needed Ocular Demonstration Before
mentioning it; now the demonstration has reached me. The business notepaper of a London firm (run, inci- dentally, by a lady) bears in the corner the legend "Our tele- graphic......
I Cannot Let The Memory Of C. F. Andrews Die
without paying my tribute to that ardent and most attractive person- ality. However, Andrews, in his association with Mr. Gandhi, and his adoption of all the simplicities of the......
It Has Been Observed Quite Rightly That The Isolationist...
West of the United States is the part of the Union where citizens of Scandinavian extraction most predominate. I discovered that the first time I was in Minneapolis. Scandi-......
A Spectator's Notebook
S TRAW-VOTES, even those taken by Dr. Gallup's organisations in this country and the United States, must be accepted with every kind of reservation. It is claimed, of course,......
The Presence Of Miss Dorothy Thompson, At Present Un-...
the most distinguished of American "columnists," in Europe arouses keen expectations, for Miss Thompson will certainly not fail to set down in due course her im- pressions of......
Not, I Suppose, Since Elisabeth Bergner Made Her Name In
Escape Me Never has an actress on the London stage leaped so decisively into sudden fame as Barbara Mullen has done in the past ten days. I shall be singularly surprised, and......
The Agricultural Front
M ONTHS have passed since the country became conscious of the fact that intensive production of food upon our own soil is one of the major factors in the waging of total war. It......