The Week in Parliament
Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : It is not easy to describe Tuesday's proceedings in the House of Commons. Members listened grimly to the Prime Minister's terse and unadorned narrative of events which were already familiar. The prevailing temper was unmistakable. Now that the war appeared to be commencing in deadly earnest, all parties felt that it must be waged on our side with far greater vigour and with all the resources in our power. Mr. Attlee and Sir Archibald Sinclair did not say much, for there was little to say. They made it clear, however, that speedy and effective aid must be given to Norway. In recent weeks there have been signs of a cleavage of opinion between those who were anxious to find some part of Europe where the struggle could be actively pursued and those who preferred the siege tactics so far employed. The difference has now been resolved by the march—or should one say the stampede?— of events. If Norway were to go the way of Denmark without any considerable aid being given by the Allies, the effect on world opinion would be disastrous. This view is universally held at Westminster. Other neutrals might be shocked by German ruthlessness, but they would none the less be impressed by German efficiency. Considerations of this kind carry great weight with the rank and file of M.P.s on both sides, and they are waiting anxiously to learn what counterstrokes the Government intends to deliver.