Sni,—The "Polish scientist's " letter alleging that there is a prohibition of the import of books into Poland is completely misleading. The so-called " prohibition " mentioned by the anonymous author of the letter is actually an old routine regulation of Poland's pre-war custom law (Art. 22 of the custom-law published in the Polish Puma! of Laws, Dziennik Ustaw, Nr. 84, of 1933), prohibiting the import by those repatriated of such goods as fire-arms, poisons, anaesthetics, intoxicating drugs, medicines, artificial sweetening goods, spirits and beer, playing- cards, &c. This custom-list contains also " prints." Actually, not a single case has been reported of customs officers in Poland raising any objection to a custom-free import of books brought as personal property by those repatriated from abroad. Furthermore, the Polish Consulate- General here issues on request to any repatriant a certificate for the custom-free import of books which are his personal property. This old and normal custom regulation has nothing to do with " iron curtains." Of course, this regulation does not affect books sent commercially or by institutions to Poland, and big consignments of books—generous gifts from our British friends which we admowledge gratefully—have already reached Poland. A special import licence from the Board of Trade is needed for the import of books and periodicals to this country—except daily newspapers. And what would you think of a scientist writing inflamed "letters to the editor" about Britain behind the "iron curtain" on the ground of this Board of Trade regulation?
Indeed, Poland is only too anxious to re-establish and develop cultural and scientific relations with Western Europe from which she has been severed for so many years by the Nazis. English books are being sold in Poland, and their commercial distribution is organised in close co-operatimi with the British CounciL Warsaw newspapers display adver- tisements of English publishers (e.g., Hutchinson); and British papers (including The New Statesman and Nation and, of course, your Spectator) are being imported and sold openly on all bookstalls. British films, Pimpernel Smith, Nine Men, The Man in Grey, Silver Fleet and One of our Aircraft failed to Return have been sent for commercial distribution to Poland. They have been shown in all Polish towns, attracting huge crowds and receiving remarkably good reviews. British scientists have been invited to lecture at Polish universities, e.g. Prof. Webster, of London University. An R.A.F. exhibition was held in Warsaw, and British sportsmen and artists are eagerly awaited to come to our country. These are the facts, Sir, which you may easily check at the M.o.I. British journalists are always welcome, and I should like to stress the fact that there is not a single case of a British journalist having been refused a Polish visa by the Embassy or of a journalist in Poland having
met any interference in carrying out his professional duties.—Yours Press Attaché, Polish Embassy, London.