France's Constitution "
Snt,—In his article on the new French constitution Mr. Carr says that no attention has been given to " the crucial question of the dissolution of a chamber in conflict with the......
East And West
SIR,—A writer in the current number of The Round Table quotes with apparent agreement an analysis by Professor Bowman of the basic differences between Eastern and Western......
" A Spectator's Notebook " In Your Issue Of April
5th, Janus comments on the failure of the publication of the National Health Service Bill to produce any sign of public controversy, or of the flooding of the Press with letters......
American Troops In Europe
Snt,—I have just returned from the American zone, and on going through my back numbers of The Spectator came across the unsigned article " American Zone 1946 " in your issue of......
Poland Behind The , G Iron Curtain " ?
Sni,—The "Polish scientist's " letter alleging that there is a prohibition of the import of books into Poland is completely misleading. The so-called " prohibition " mentioned......
" Organising Health" Should Be Grateful If You Would...
to comment on your leading article entitled " Organising Health " in The Spectator of March 29th. With the scheme of a complete health service for the whole popula- tion all......
Natives In Africa And Cyprus
sER,--In his letter published in your issue of 15th February last, Mr. A. J. Moore Bennett falls deeply into the error of mischievous misrepre- sentation which he so much......