The Domain of Preservation
Every county ought to possess an active society to keep an eye on local
interests, especially in the domain of preservation. Subjects for its beneficent intervention are legion. Here are the heads of some of the chief activities of one such society: the removal of unsightly (a local wise- acre prefers "unsightable") advertisement hoardings, the reconstruction of cottages of architectural interest, the preservation of village greens and commons and trees and footpaths, the removal of litter, the provision of playing-fields and open spaces, the giving of advice on housing design and factory development, the prevention of river pollution, the provision of advisory panels of architects and of general assistance to local authorities on public enquiries. The times are so critical and change so rapid that the need for active county societies is more than ever insistent ; and the membership of most of them would be more than doubled if the public appreciated the need. As a rule their use and activities are not well or widely advertised.